Tuesday, February 5, 2008


Here is the Albert family blog where we will share our families adventures and happenings!
We are an active family of four - Dave, Angi, DJ (14) and Orion (2).
Our favorite activities include camping, motorcycling (trail riding), skiiing, snowboarding, and boating. All of the activites are an integral part of the fun, family friendly lifestyle we enjoy while living in the beautiful state of Idaho!
During the summer we spend a lot of time camping/riding with like minded friends. We intend on sharing many pictures of these trips here, as well as "ride reports" of our favorite trail rides from the summer.
Thanks for stopping in and keep checking in for updates!

The Albert family

1 comment:

Donavan Albert said...

Sweet blog, I like it, a lot...and, I'm always happy to see Social Media tools being used within our family. Excellent.

I'm heading down range next Wednesday (Feb. 13) and I plan to post an create a Patagonia and Tierra del fuego travelogue on my site, perhaps with a video snippet or two, but definitely with photos.

Keep this thing updated slacker and it will be a great place to see what's going on.